Valentine's Day Sweets and Sweeties...

After an early morning of painting (thanks to a Valentine present of paint)...

What does one make for Valentine's Day for a family diverse in it's pickiness and it's allergies? Well, apparently two things. Individual heart apple pies (which will not happen again for a looong time!) AND these, fabulous and easy cookies...

Delicious Allergy Free Oatmeal Cutout Cookies


3/4 cup Earth Balance (or butter)
3/4 cup organic sugar
1t vanilla
1 T ground flax seed mixed with 3 T warm water (the warm helps to make it goopy) (or an egg )
3 T Rice milk (or alternative)

blend in:

2 1/2 cups wheat flour
1 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt

stir in:
1 cup oatmeal

Dough will seem very crumbly, use your hands to make a ball. Add a touch more flour or milk if needed. I refrigerated for about an hour, but that's not necessary. If you do, however, it will seem like the dough will not stay together, roll it out, it will.  Roll about 1/4 inch thick. Bake at 375 for about 15 minutes until dough just seems dry.

I frosted by dumping confectioners sugar in a bowl (didn't measure), cut in earth balance and then added rice milk until it looked right :)

My only mistake was thinking a two year old would actually decorate cookies. i quickly learned when i found him sucking on the sprinkle shaker. Seriously, the child ate about a pound of sugar, including what he decorated. I am not kidding when I say that he dropped his cookie on his tray and frosting did not get on the tray because he had so many sprinkles. Let's just say it made for a very loud, warp speed hour. But, he was thrilled with the pink icing and sprinkles, and I was thrilled that I found peppermint sprinkles!

And I was thrilled with my kids and a wonderful husband (and pets of course!) who brought me some type of lemur looking animal with huge eyes that the baby loves! Or maybe it was all the sugar....

P.S. Thank the Lord for all his blessings! and for the person who made the paints washable!


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