Valentine's Day; Love and Whining

Here's why I do not enjoy shopping... well, probably because I cannot buy whatever I want! Here's another reason... fellow shoppers. I am not talking about the lady at Target who made me laugh by warning me before she knelt down not to worry about her when i heard cracks, it was just her knees, she'd be OK. Ha ha! I replied that she should worry if I cried a little when i stood up (let's not talk about a huge wipe out I had while running with my dogs...). Anyway, we laughed and moved on into the pink and red mess of Valentine stuff that in no way paid homage to Saint Valentine. I heard a little girl (maybe 5) asking for the super fun Valentine's that come with candy and other fun junk. I believe she said something to the effect of 'I want those mom, but we can keep them at home and not give them to anyone else.' Ummm... what?! Be mine? I think not! When her mom replied something to the effect of 'you don't need those and they are expensive', this sweet little Valentine yelled "just use the credit card mom!" People laughed, on the outside. While they had, I'm sure, many secret negative thoughts on the inside that Saint Valentine would NOT have spoken out loud either. But I'm sure he heard and mentioned that to someone up there. DON'T be mine!

On the other hand, we had a peanut allergy scare. My son, previous to our knowledge of each allergy, would go full force (like two dozen eggs a week! and he's now really allergic?) with something and than completely give it up (well he never touched milk, but everything else) and we'd end up finding out he was allergic to it. Let's just say when he completely starting refusing peanut butter a few weeks ago I was a little nervous yesterday when he wanted some on his "doast". I sat there with my hand on his possibly expired epi-pen and stared at the poor child. I'm certain he wondered why his crazy mom wasn't blinking and kept asking questions he had no understanding of, while looking like she might stab him with some strange (possibly expired) potion. Good news, we were all good! Might I add, epi-pen people, that if you put an expiration date on something, can we make a bit more specific than an entire month? I will be giving you more money tomorrow for a new one anyway!

To make a fun Valentine's smoothie, add more strawberries and it will turn red! Our Valentine treat will be mini heart shaped apple pies! Except the cute little pie maker is missing a piece and i have to go back to Target to exchange it, this time with two kids. Happy day to me! But they know not of credit cards, and even my two year old will share! (well, not pickles or veggie chips)


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