Motivation and rambling

My motivation to work out and lose the stubborn baby weight from my fourth child (which is apparently the only one I'm actually going to have to work to lose-but don't ask my mother, she will remind you that I never got back to what I was when I got married! FIFTEEN years ago, before life when I actually had time to do anything I wanted, plus could apparently eat most anything I wanted without too much of a problem. so I both worked out and had a metabolism and no kids. thanks mom) comes from my daughter who is five. I am not sure what God was thinking when he created 5 year old girls, but I think he added in sass a little too soon. I am truly starting to rethink our motivations behind teaching our children that honesty is best. At any rate, I bought myself a new mom bathing suit (that I truly hope I won't wear forever!) and was feeling... not gooood per say, but somewhat tucked in. My sweet girl says "well, you look okkkaaaaayyyy. but just not great." Thanks honey. I suppressed the urge to snap back about it starting with her (after my oldest I lost the pregnancy weight plus 20, probably because he cried all the time and I was CONSTANTLY bouncing. thanks unknown allergies. lost most after the 2nd and 3rd. But the struggle is serious now!) At any rate, I don't believe in hitting children, lucky for her. Though I may have given her my best squinty eyes, as I debated how to slide in the pool without anyone seeing me at swimming lessons. I am now motivated to not eat sugar or junk food. :) yay her. hahaha...

Or, I could just think of my son who woke us up this morning by randomly vomiting on himself. the heck is that?! who invented this stuff?

So, I suppose, after losing a favorite pet, we have a big hole in our family, but are getting back to our crazy version of normal. We went mini golfing and no one got injured. And we only lost one or two balls. If you see me mini golfing, please don't ask why my pockets are full of balls. Now you know.

Spent the weekend eating different versions of the spring roll no rolls. Great for the budget! Which for my husband included mayonnaise (is vegan except for helmanns a new term? cause he has a problem. and quite honestly, I've tried all other versions. He was annoyed with me this morning because there are 5 kinds of mayo in the fridge. every other one we have tried has the same weird taste that helmanns probably hides with some nasty chemical) and a tortilla and some version of condiments. Which, technically, is a roll.

I'm also getting use to matcha, but I'm not magically in love like people seem to be. I got a free sample from Viva Naturals, for an honest review, and honestly, it's so sour and bitter I was surprised. Where's the fairies and the sparkles I hear about? I throw it with unsweetened almond milk, ice, vanilla and a touch of sugar and it makes a tasty afternoon treat. I have decided to quite protein powder because I have come to finally figure out that it's the protein powder making my face break out. No idea why.

Anyway, I am suppose to be getting ready for our much needed vacation to the beach Friday. or at the very least, watching my children. Clearly neither are happening. But I needed a break. All my kids want banana muffins and bananas are outlawed until after vacation when the baby has a new doctor. and we are close to a hospital we know. ha. gotta love allergies!!

PS muffin recipe coming soon


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