Where has a Year Gone?

I clearly am the worst blogger in history! however, my day job keeps getting busier! In other words, in addition to homeschooling as keeps happening on odd years, we added a little lady to our family in August. Earlier than expected, but not too too much. That will teach daddy to add an extra pumpkin to the front step to be funny so I have to answer to the neighbors! He was surprised on New Years Day! (yet this year two extra ended up on the porch! Thank goodness it's not an odd year! but still, no holding hands!) Considering the rough pregnancy, I wasn't too upset. I think it would be helpful to get back on this though. It would have been impossible to consider food while pregnant last without vomiting on the computer. My eventual cravings were fresh herbs (particularly cilantro and parsley) and friend egg sandwiches (which got pretty expensive considering the eggs we buy! Vital farms, as we become more ethically aware, they seem like the nicest of the probably not nice:).

So now I have a 6, 4, 2, and 2 month old. A two month old who is acting suspiciously like her oldest brother with the allergies. yikes. I have serious anxiety (because i'm silly) that she's going to have allergies. We are quite good at this, why the anxiety? Even the smell of peanut butter or peanuts while I was pregnant made me seriously ill. For awhile I stopped letting the kids eat it! ( I know, what a bad mom, but seriously, better than what would have happened if I opened the jar!) I am praying she is not allergic to peanuts. Seriously praying! I know, I know, allergies such as that develop over time, but I was adverse to milk while pregnant with my first, and look.... I wouldn't care so much except peanuts and peanut butter are pretty much all my oldest two eat. ALL they eat! Does anyone else have serious trouble figuring out what to feed their kids for lunch? Breakfast? easy! Dinner? Not awful. Lunch? near impossible! in fact sometimes I try to skip it. hahahah...  What does everyone feed kids for lunch?

Now we are back to Halloween! We are lucky to have a FARE Halloween party that does not involve food and includes a foodless Trunk or Treat. But the kids love the regular trick or treating. Argh the stress!! I'm certain it will be even more fun with the two year old (with the teenaged attitude) this year! He's a load of fun and more energy than I have!

The teal pumpkin project is great, but hasn't caught on here. I have seen fun ideas for healthy Halloween treats too. Though my oldest is oddly obsessed with skittles. They are Vegan, but still junk. I bought some small packs. I figure if I keep them away he will end up like me and attempt to eat every naughty food in sight when he gets the chance on his own, and take 15 years to figure out that just because someone isn't watching doesn't mean there isn't an effect :) bread sticks, that look like figures, eggs that look like eyes. Vegetable skeleton. And a lot of caffeine? I've not slept ages, and last night 3 of 4 kids were up??!! WHAT is that?! Anyway, I'll be back! Quick pizza dough or bread stick recipe...

Throw 3 cups of flour ( I use whole wheat) in the mixer with 1/4-1/2 cup ground flax, 1 t. salt, 21/2 t of dry yeast. Add 1T sugar in 1 cup warm water and add to the bowl of the mixer. (and any spices you want-ex. garlic powder, about 1/2 t) Add 1/4-1/2 cup olive oil. turn on the dough hook. let er go! When it's mixed and slightly sticky, but not too sticky, roll it out and cut into breadsticks, or a pizza. Sometimes I mix it up times 3 (but no more!). Pizza is big in this family! My best gourmet has Brussel sprouts, a balsamic reduction and a white sauce. It could be famous!  I'll give you that later! I must sign off! probably just used my shower time! haha


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