Where has a Year Gone? I clearly am the worst blogger in history! however, my day job keeps getting busier! In other words, in addition to homeschooling as keeps happening on odd years, we added a little lady to our family in August. Earlier than expected, but not too too much. That will teach daddy to add an extra pumpkin to the front step to be funny so I have to answer to the neighbors! He was surprised on New Years Day! (yet this year two extra ended up on the porch! Thank goodness it's not an odd year! but still, no holding hands!) Considering the rough pregnancy, I wasn't too upset. I think it would be helpful to get back on this though. It would have been impossible to consider food while pregnant last without vomiting on the computer. My eventual cravings were fresh herbs (particularly cilantro and parsley) and friend egg sandwiches (which got pretty expensive considering the eggs we buy! Vital farms, as we become more ethically aware, they seem like the nicest of...
Showing posts from October, 2015