Trick or treating... a tough time for children with allergies. We don't really give our two year old candy, but we do like to give him experiences, and he was an adorable puppy for Halloween. This was the first year he really got the whole Trick or Treat thing, and although he only wanted to go to his favorite neighbor's house over and over, he did enjoy the process. (Well not so much the getting in the costume, but once he was there...) Unfortunately, there was no candy that he was able to eat. Most candy has milk, eggs, nuts, or something that he cannot have. The candy without major allergens are generally choking hazards! (and tend to be my favorite!) I did have the foresight to pull out a lollipop for him to pull and bait and switch. However, that really doesn't work once he eats said lollipop! What does everybody else do for children who have allergies? I'm thinking it may be slightly easier once he understands what he cannot have, though still pushing for him to grow out of all of them by then! Perhaps we will be those that trade our candy for something else?
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