
Showing posts from October, 2011


Trick or treating... a tough time for children with allergies. We don't really give our two year old candy, but we do like to give him experiences, and he was an adorable puppy for Halloween. This was the first year he really got the whole Trick or Treat thing, and although he only wanted to go to his favorite neighbor's house over and over, he did enjoy the process. (Well not so much the getting in the costume, but once he was there...) Unfortunately, there was no candy that he was able to eat. Most candy has milk, eggs, nuts, or something that he cannot have. The candy without major allergens are generally choking hazards! (and tend to be my favorite!) I did have the foresight to pull out a lollipop for him to pull and bait and switch. However, that really doesn't work once he eats said lollipop! What does everybody else do for children who have allergies? I'm thinking it may be slightly easier once he understands what he cannot have, though still pushing for him to g...

Recipie 1: Starbucks without the Bucks!!!

Our breakfasts are not quite the eggs and toast they use to be! But there are plenty of ways to make them exciting! Jake loves oatmeal and sometimes his "milk cereal" (which are now usually organic O's, Chex or Kix). At some point I will post some of our favorite pankcake recipies which are our usual Saturday treat. Until then... I love Fall for a few reasons; Halloween (both for the candy and my mom's birthday), apple picking, and pumpkin everything!! Back pre-allergy I would eagerly await the day that the pumpkin lattes showed up, and the pumpkin ice cream. Now, instead of pumpkin latte that costs at least $5 and has caffeine and milk I invented one of my own. Much cheaper and much more delicious! Mix: 8 oz (or more in my favorite mug!) of "milk" (rice, almond, soy) 2 Tablespoons pumpkin puree (canned or make your own!) 1/4 t. vanilla sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice sprinkle of nutmeg and/or cinnamon sweeter (maple syrup is good- or marshmallows if...


I hope this blog is able to give ideas and help to those of you affected by food allergies! It is difficult at first to figure out how to change a diet. Pretty much all packaged foods have some allergen. You will notice I use mostly "real foods", foods created by nature. I do not always have a perfect diet. I am a completely undecided vegan, meat eater, organic, non organic eater. I prefer not to buy meat but due to Jake's allergies, I am having him eat more chicken (the only meat he will eat) for protein. I also have a husband who, goes with the flow with my food whims, but not without a complaint. Hence my sharp cooking skills! He actually admitted to liking a bean "meatloaf" the other day to other people! If anyone has any requests for a recipie I will do my best to create one. I enjoy working to create healthy and delicious food that people can eat. When I print a recipie, I will also add substitutions if possible. I also would love feedback and comments!